
Tap into the power of your surroundings with these inspiring Feng Shui tips, musings and offerings.

My only regret is waiting so long!

My only regret is waiting so long!

Last week I treated myself to a Natal Chart reading – an astrology reading of the specific date, time and location of my birth.

I’ve wanted to have one of these done for decades but I always put it off!

It was something that seemed fun and frivolous but not very practical, meaningful or useful overall.

Feeling Stuck?  Try this:

Feeling Stuck? Try this:

Please don’t stay in stuck-ness!

Here’s a *no cost* Feng Shui trick that will quickly get things moving again – bringing new opportunities your way or highlighting some new solutions:


I give this advice to my clients often and they always report back in a much more positive place than they were.  I use it my own advice regularly, too

Feng Shui Tips for Election Day!

Feng Shui Tips for Election Day!

Whose feeling the anxiety amp up as Election Day approaches???  I sure am! It’s hard to avoid.

Here some Feng Shui tips and actions you can take to protect yourself and your home from all the vibes that are sure to get even more unsettled in the coming days.

On the morning of Election Day, open your doors and windows for 10 minutes or more 

New seasonal decor and a complete re-alignment in progress!

New seasonal decor and a complete re-alignment in progress!

As I decorated I realized that more needed to change:  I think it’s time for a complete Feng Shui overhaul!

New intentions, new cures, new enhancements.

Want to refresh your space too?  The season is changing and it’s a perfect time to check in with your life and the Feng Shui that you have in place and notice what’s calling for an update.  

Letting go of sentimental items

Letting go of sentimental items

You’d think after 15 years of doing the work I do, it would be easy for me to let STUFF go.
I’m quick to release things that are cluttering my life, weighing me down or keeping me stuck in the past.
But every once and a while things come up that I struggle to let go of
Yesterday, Casey and I shed tears over a tiny plastic turtle the girls played with in the tub.
She cried because it doesn’t work anymore…

Want better luck?  Focus on these areas:

Want better luck? Focus on these areas:

I grew up thinking some people were just born lucky and some were simply “out of luck”!  But eastern cultures believe that you can cultivate good luck (using Feng Shui!). 

Can good Feng Shui help you win the lottery?  Well, that hasn’t worked for me yet!   But it can create an ease and synchronicity in life that allows opportunity to easily reach you. 

Successful Study Spaces

Successful Study Spaces

The pandemic has really changed how the school year is going to look for many.  For us, so far, it looks like a hybrid model with the kids in school some days and remote learning on others.Having a supportive study space and all the tools handy is a big step in helping kids stay focused, feel confident and feel inspired.
Paying attention to their study space can really help them be successful and feel less overwhelm and anxiety.

A picture is worth 1000 words …

A picture is worth 1000 words …

I’ve been doing remote Feng Shui tours for years and I actually love working from pictures and videos just as much as I love entering and working in a new space.  It’s amazing that even though I’m not in the space during a distance consultations the results are just as successful.  Pictures are a great tool for Feng Shui and there are

Can we talk about STUFF for a minute?

Can we talk about STUFF for a minute?

My Mom passed a few years ago. My Dad passed in April. Right now, my sister and I are getting my parent’s house ready for sale…

And it’s full of stuff!

If I could give you one message from what I’m in the middle of, it’s to consider the TRUE cost of all your stuff…

I’m not just talking about the price you paid for it, because it’s so much more than that.  Here’s what else to keep in mind:

Try this if you need more clarity!

Try this if you need more clarity!

This week in a mastermind group I’m part of, someone mentioned needing to get more clarity on her next steps in work and life …
I suggested she clean her windows.  
She told me they had just been cleaned before she moved in … but I told her to clean them anyway!