Not getting as far or as fast as you want?

Not getting as far or as fast as you want?

Your surroundings influence your personal energy, vitality and ability to show up fully in your life and in your business! So, if you feel like you’re swimming upstream all the time, and everything is taking longer and more energy, it can be a sign that the energy...
Front Door Feng Shui for Fresh Starts

Front Door Feng Shui for Fresh Starts

Here’s one big thing Feng Shui has taught me: You don’t have to just look within to muster the energy, strength and courage to try something new. There are beneficial energies all around you that can support you. Harness them!  Draw them towards you!  Tap into them!...
Come Inside to See My Feng Shui Cures

Come Inside to See My Feng Shui Cures

Let’s do something different today! How about a peak inside my house to take a look at some of my favorite Feng Shui cures:). I tend to choose cures that blend in well with the rest of the decor.  These items may appear typical but they’re secretly infused...