Remove the Judge and Jury from your space …

Remove the Judge and Jury from your space …

I’m not quite sure what I was thinking when I started out on this path of running my own business… I knew I was totally burnt out from corporate job, and I wanted to do work that inspired me and made a difference for others.   But I didn’t have any real idea of what...
One Reason why Feng Shui Cures Fail

One Reason why Feng Shui Cures Fail

I wrapped up last week on a high note by facilitating the last Using Your Home as a Vision Board for Manifesting webinar! During the session I joked that everyone would probably run off and make changes to their wealth corner after listening in … because who...
9 Ways Feng Shui can influence your Self-Confidence

9 Ways Feng Shui can influence your Self-Confidence

Over the last few weeks I’ve been connecting with other female business owners to do some market research for something new I’m creating. I put a simple call-out to talk with WIB who felt blocked, and several women raised their hand. I left the definition of “blocked”...