Carve out time for these things before the new year

Carve out time for these things before the new year

I know its the busiest time of the year, and the last thing you want is more things to check off your to-do list, but today I’m going to share a list of things I’m making time for.  This list is all about taking time to re-align your personal energy, and the energy of...
4 ways to realign during this challenging time

4 ways to realign during this challenging time

It feels like the world as we know it has turned upside down because of the corona virus!  We’re  working and schooling and living from home.  It’s certainly feels like unsure footing!  But you can realign and ground in despite the unknowns.  Here are a...
4 Tips to Beat the Gloomy Forecast!!

4 Tips to Beat the Gloomy Forecast!!

Can you say gloomy? I can feel the season changing and I’m not really all on board for it yet! And this dreary weather is trying hard to bringing me down. Here are some ways to shift the energy around you and cheer you up if you’re feeling the same way: 💡Turn...