Is Your HOME holding your back in business?

Is Your HOME holding your back in business?

Your HOME should HELP YOU SUCCEED in life and business! Lately though, my home has been holding me back 😱 There are projects we haven’t gotten to yet that will help create comfort, ease, and help manage our clutter … and I realize we can’t put them off any...
5+ Reasons To Use the Command Position

5+ Reasons To Use the Command Position

This is one of the Feng Shui tips I get a lot of push-back on: Set your desk up in THE COMMAND POSITION. This means your back is against a solid wall, you are facing into the room with the desk in front of you, and you can easily see the entrance to the room (without...
Or maybe it’s THE ROOM!!!

Or maybe it’s THE ROOM!!!

Sometimes I wonder if anyone can hear me …  Last week a friend posted an SOS on Facebook: “I’m so tired.  I already do xyz to get a good night of sleep but it’s not working.  Does anyone have any suggestions?” And a bunch of people jumped in with good ideas like: ...