Wealth Corner Activation Challenge
Thank you!!!
Thank you for playing Feng Shui with me this week! It has truly energized me and was such a fun way to wind down the year.
These Wealth Corner Activation Challenge videos will be available through December 15th.
‘(The videos are unedited so you can skip the first 2-3 minutes of chatting:).
I also answered lots of great questions on a live call. Watch that replay here.
Feng Shui Consultation Special Offer:
On day 3 I shared my ‘new for 2022’ Virtual 3 or 6 Session Feng Shui Packages.
I’m offering introductory pricing and a payment plan if you book before the New Year and you have a full year to use your sessions.
If your home feels stagnant or ‘off’… If life has been bumpy and difficult… If you’re feeling out of the flow of joy, ease or prosperity…
… then Feng Shui and the energy of your surroundings is something to pay attention to!
Why not get some professional Feng Shui eyes on the it?!
You can find out more about the options HERE.
Send me a message at Kerri@KerriMillerConsulting.com if you have any questions.
Happy Feng Shui-ing!