Are DULL surroundings draining your motivation?

Are DULL surroundings draining your motivation?

Look around and notice how your surroundings feel right now.  If things feel dull or ‘blah’, it’s time to shake things up. Why?  Because spending time in a dull, cluttered or uninspired space will eventually influence your mood, energy level and income potential!  ...
Benefits of Down Time and a Change of Scenery

Benefits of Down Time and a Change of Scenery

Last week this multi-tasking mama enjoyed 4 days and nights of much needed alone time!   I read, listened to, watched and ate what I wanted – when I wanted it! In between naps, baths, sitting poolside and walks on the beach I was amazingly productive: – 3...
Or maybe it’s THE ROOM!!!

Or maybe it’s THE ROOM!!!

Sometimes I wonder if anyone can hear me …  Last week a friend posted an SOS on Facebook: “I’m so tired.  I already do xyz to get a good night of sleep but it’s not working.  Does anyone have any suggestions?” And a bunch of people jumped in with good ideas like: ...