Harness the energy to accomplish your goals

Harness the energy to accomplish your goals

Got lots to check off before the end of the year? Or maybe you’re just working on creating momentum for 2024? It’s easier if you get the energy on your side to support you! – you’ll feel energized, focused and confident to take the steps you...
Not getting as far or as fast as you want?

Not getting as far or as fast as you want?

Your surroundings influence your personal energy, vitality and ability to show up fully in your life and in your business! So, if you feel like you’re swimming upstream all the time, and everything is taking longer and more energy, it can be a sign that the energy...
Front Door Feng Shui for Fresh Starts

Front Door Feng Shui for Fresh Starts

Here’s one big thing Feng Shui has taught me: You don’t have to just look within to muster the energy, strength and courage to try something new. There are beneficial energies all around you that can support you. Harness them!  Draw them towards you!  Tap into them!...
Is Feng Shui relevant in this climate?

Is Feng Shui relevant in this climate?

This last few months …😞… I’ve been quiet and sometimes questioning … trying to reconcile whether what I do is of value in the midst of pandemics, racial injustice and so much other shift and change. This week … more quiet reflection...
Who are you inviting in?

Who are you inviting in?

It seems like many people are stepping into the world of video conferencing from home these days! Did you know this is just like inviting all the participants into your home… Meeting attendees may not be trudging their dirty shoes across your carpet but they are...