This is not a Feng Shui tip, but I know it can help someone out there right now, especially with all the social distancing going on:

Get yourself a ‘dream team’…

This year has been hard. So hard.

But I’m still showing up in all the places and I’m proud of it.

Here’s a secret – I don’t make it happen by myself. Nope.

I have help. Lots of help. In fact, it takes a village to keep me on track – And I’m so grateful for it.

This goes far beyond supportive friends and family …

Here’s how it looks in my life:

It starts with an accountability partner who I talk to daily. We chat for around 15 minutes – sharing what we accomplished yesterday and 2-3 things we commit to getting done today. We’re sounding boards, cheerleaders and sometimes life coaches for each other!

Next comes support from 6 amazing women from all around the globe- we meet weekly via zoom. During those calls we help each other see around the obstacles we create for ourselves and figure out how to share our gifts authentically.

Last, I make sure my newsfeed is filled inspiration, so when I’m in social media I’m seeing reminders to maintain my mindset, take care of me, step away when I need to, and make time for my passions.

(I seriously need to be hit in the head with all these reminders every damn day so I don’t sabotage myself!)

Flashback ten or so years ago, when I was a new mom and trying to build my business, I felt like a failure at all of it.

On a regular day I could dig in, isolate and be critical of every accomplishment. I’d run circles in my mind, talk myself out of action, create busywork and tons of excuses, and just stay stuck where I was.

I used to look around and wonder how other women could manage it all by themselves and make it look so easy.

I just figured I didn’t have what it took.

But now I know they were never doing it all by themselves. They set themselves up with a massive support system. People who believed in them and wouldn’t let them make excuses.

If you’re still reading this, I truly hope you’ve got a dream team like this around you.

If you don’t have it yet, I hope it inspires you to start building one…

It’s a game changer in all things life and business!