September is usually a big transition month

But this one feels bigger

The girls are back in different schools

For one of them – everything is new

Call it Sunday (Monday!) night/second week of school jitters

My girl had some serious tears and fears last night

“Everything is different”
“It’s going to be harder”
“What if I can’t …”

💔Heart breaking 💔

We talked about how it’s not really harder – it’s just different

And how stretching beyond comfort zones is good

And about how staying present in THIS moment – not the past or future – would help

And how important it would be to cultivate joy from within these next few years

We shared lots of hugs

I gave her some of my favorite calming essential oils to use

Then I helped her gather some crystals, her ‘worry doll’ (thank you Jennifer Pipe) and stuffed animals all together for support

She spent an hour before bed arranging these things all her way

(Like mother like daughter!)

Call it feng shui or call it dispelling nervous energy

It always worked for me!

It’s amazing how these girls are a mirror right into the depths of my own soul

AND my deepest darkest fears

Because this year I’m stretching way beyond my comfort zone in so many places

It doesn’t always feel good

And “what if I can’t” isn’t far from my mind either!

All the things I said to her last night

Were all the things I needed to hear

And all the things I encouraged her to do

Are things I need to be doing too

The message was loud and clear

These girls are MY WHY

They need to see in me

That we can do hard things

And still keep centered and joyful

After a good night of sleep we all woke up with renewed bravery and determination

We got this!

We can do hard things!

September here we come😅

(Photo credit:  Sara Maida Photography)