This Sunday I was feeling stressed.- getting ready to come back ‘in’ after two weeks off

I have lots of client facing time scheduled this week …

And several things I had hoped to get done during quieter times were still looming high on my list:

  • Some market research
  • Content planning and prep
  • Year-end bookkeeping


Don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed my down time, and feel pretty relaxed and restored on a personal level

But business-wise, it felt like I was stepping into 2021 late-out-of-the-gate with lots to make up for (… because … 2020!!)

Then last night I had a planning call with a mentor and some other women in business.

The established (much more than me) women in the group were so chill about January, sharing how they were easing into the New Year.

There was a lot of talk about not front-loading the year, causing burnout early and sabotaging all the potential.

I was listening like, DAMN!  Why did I book myself so tight this week?

I made a note for future planning to create more wiggle room at the start of 2022.

I didn’t like the feeling I had going into this new year, so next year I was definitely going to shoot for more ease.

Then after the call, I browsed my commitments and list of to-dos for this first week

And I realized how much on this heavy list was self-imposed.

Light bulb moment – I’m only busy and stressed because I’m MAKING MYSELF busy and stressed!!!

The 1:1 calls I have scheduled are all with people I’m jazzed to work with while doing work I love to do!

The other stuff is going to feel so good to get done, but nothing says it needs to happen this week.

I rewrote my list, spread it out over January, and even moved a few launch dates and projects for first quarter around.

My to-do list didn’t change, but the timeline and my mindset around it did.

As soon as I backed off the pedal, I felt immediate ease.

Now this feels like a week lined with fulfilling connections and a whole bunch of white space to wrap last year up and gently move into projects I’m excited to dive into.

I know this subtle shift is going to be good for me, my family, my clients, and even my business growth!

Big things will happen … all in due time, and from a state of grace and alignment instead of force.

I haven’t solidified my ‘word of the year’ just yet, but I know this lightbulb moment has brought me closer to it.

I’m sharing all of this with you and hoping it helps you realign the way you’re heading into 2021 if you need to.

Happy EASY New Year!